Top 10 Best Counseling Degrees

Top Counseling DegreesCounseling is a wide field with many different options and opportunities for the capacity in which a person may work. Counselors who have earned one of the top counseling degrees work in a wide variety of settings and capacities including but not limited to clinics, social work agencies, hospitals, community centers, schools, residential treatment facilities, career counseling centers, sports teams, and many other mental health institutions.

Details of the Top Counseling Degrees

Counseling, as a profession, requires a minimum of a Master’s degree and some professions require Doctorate degrees. When looking at possible Master’s degree programs in the counseling field it is important to know generally what aspect of counseling most interests or entices you because if there is an aspect of counseling that interests you more than others, there is a degree for it. If you are just interested in counseling generally, there are also plenty of very strong programs with a general focus in one of the top counseling degrees that will allow you to discover the aspect of the field that is right for you.